PELICAN Maintenance Scheduled

Due to a planned system release, PELICAN will briefly be unavailable. Updates will impact PELICAN and Provider Self-Service (PSS) functionality.

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From 6:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, August 17, 2019, PELICAN will update its system and be unavailable to users.

Anticipated changes for different user types are as follows:

Child Care Works (CCW) Users

  • When a PSS user updates rates, but does not actually submit rate changes, alerts will not be generated in CCW.

  • The following changes will be made when creating the Face to Face Appointment Letter:

    • The Correspondence Language field will no longer be displayed under the Appointment Location field when the appointment location is different from the ELRC address.

    • If the appointment is for a Telephone Contact, the Who will make the Call? radio button will be changed from CCIS will call to ELRC will call.

  • The RE318 Enrollment Status Report and RE304 Enrollment Statistics Report will display enrollments tied to the cases that were created before the June 2018 release.

  • The following enhancements will be made to Provider Self-Service (PSS):

  • When EXPAND ALL is clicked on the PSS FAQ page, the questions will no longer expand and immediately collapse when using the Firefox browser.

  • The words ‘Resource’ and ‘Region’ will not be split onto multiple lines in the ELRC Office field in the Child Details modal.

  • Providers will be able to submit online invoices without issues after modifying attendance for all children or checking “No change” in the invoice.

Keys to Quality (KTQ) Users

  • Users will see alerts listed only once on the following pages if they have multiples security roles:

    • Alert Search

    • Alert Details

  • When NEW is clicked on the STARS TA Organization Management page, an error will not be displayed.

All Users

After the release, this communication will be posted in the ELRC portal under the “What’s New” section for one week, then it will be moved to the “System Release Updates” section for future reference.