ACT Raising Safe Kids Program
Greensburg's Wesley Family Services will host a class for parents to learn about discipline for younger children.
Greensburg's Wesley Family Services will host a class for parents to learn about discipline for younger children.
The Pittsburgh Learning Collaborative is hosting a Transportation Lunch & Learn in March, during which Pittsburgh's Safe Routes to School Coordinator will present.
Women for a Healthy Environment will host a Youth Panel Discussion on climate change in March.
The Allegheny Intermediate Unit will host the annual Allegheny County Legislative Forum on Education in late March.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
Greensburg's Wesley Family Services will host a class for parents to learn about discipline for younger children.
The Newlonsburg Presbyterian Church will host The Incredible Years Parenting Program on Thursdays from April until July.
Trying Together, in partnership with Allegheny County Financial Empowerment Center, will guide small business child care owners in understanding money management to strengthen child care business.
Jewish Family and Community Services (JFCS) will hold a spring job fair at the Andrew Carnegie Free Library & Music Hall in April.
Indiana County will kick off the Week of the Young Child in April with an event that includes a movie screening and other activities.
The Carnegie Library of Homestead and Maple Unified Student Academy (MUSA) will hold early literacy family workshops in April and May.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
Registration is open for the Annual Early Childhood Affiliate Dinner at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg in April.
ELRC Region 5 is hosting Communities of Practice for home-based early learning educators to discuss topics of interest, ask questions, and offer insight and inspiration to one another.
Greensburg's Wesley Family Services will host a class for parents to learn about discipline for younger children.
Early Literacy: Community of Practice will include a dinner, high-quality picture books, and opportunities to learn, grow, and connect around early literacy.
ELRC Region 5 is hosting free Ages & Stages Questionnaires developmental screening events in April.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
ELRC Region 5 is hosting free Ages & Stages Questionnaires developmental screening events in April.
Greensburg's Wesley Family Services will host a class for parents to learn about discipline for younger children.
The Newlonsburg Presbyterian Church will host The Incredible Years Parenting Program on Thursdays from April until July.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
ELRC Region 5 is hosting Communities of Practice for home-based early learning educators to discuss topics of interest, ask questions, and offer insight and inspiration to one another.
Greensburg's Wesley Family Services will host a class for parents to learn about discipline for younger children.
The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) will host two upcoming virtual training sessions on certification.
In “Introduction to ASQ-3,” participants will learn how to use the Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ®–3) as a screening tool for children ages three months to five years.
The Pittsburgh Learning Collaborative will host its third annual PLC Summit in April at Phipps Conservatory.
The Newlonsburg Presbyterian Church will host The Incredible Years Parenting Program on Thursdays from April until July.
The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) will host two upcoming virtual training sessions on certification.
Trying Together, in partnership with Allegheny County Financial Empowerment Center, will guide small business child care owners in understanding debt pay-off and credit building to strengthen child care business.
Trying Together will host a training session centered around its Early Intervention (EI) Toolkit on Zoom in late April.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
Greensburg's Wesley Family Services will host a class for parents to learn about discipline for younger children.
The Newlonsburg Presbyterian Church will host The Incredible Years Parenting Program on Thursdays from April until July.
An upcoming Remake Learning Days event will explore how animals interact, adapt, and play with the resources in their environment.
The Fathers Collaborative Council of Western PA will host its 2nd Annual Fatherhood Engagement Conference in May.
Greensburg's Wesley Family Services will host a class for parents to learn about discipline for younger children.
The Fathers Collaborative Council of Western PA will host its 2nd Annual Fatherhood Engagement Conference in May.
The Newlonsburg Presbyterian Church will host The Incredible Years Parenting Program on Thursdays from April until July.
In “Introduction to ASQ-3,” participants will learn how to use the Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ®–3) as a screening tool for children ages three months to five years.
The University of Pittsburgh's Theiss Training Center will host a series titled Becoming Trauma Aware, Informed, and Proficient from January to March and from May to June.
The Child Mind Institute will host its upcoming spring luncheon "Parenting in a Complex World" in May.
Trying Together and ELRC Region 5 are partnering to provide an in-person First Aid, Pediatric First Aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and automated external defibrillator (AED) training to early childhood professionals.
ELRC Region 5 is hosting Communities of Practice for home-based early learning educators to discuss topics of interest, ask questions, and offer insight and inspiration to one another.
Greensburg's Wesley Family Services will host a class for parents to learn about discipline for younger children.
NorthSide Works will host the North Side Job Fair - where a variety of industries will be represented - in May.
The Newlonsburg Presbyterian Church will host The Incredible Years Parenting Program on Thursdays from April until July.
The ELRC Region 5 is offering the following professional development opportunity for your team of early learning educators.
The Pennsylvania Key will hold an upcoming virtual course that will introduce participants to the Youth Behavior Reflection Support Tool (YBRST).
Trying Together will host training sessions centered around its Early Intervention (EI) Toolkit on Zoom this spring.
The Pennsylvania Key will host a course over the next eight months on how to manage youths' big emotions.
The University of Pittsburgh's Theiss Training Center will host a series titled Becoming Trauma Aware, Informed, and Proficient from January to March and from May to June.
ELRC Region 5 is hosting Communities of Practice for home-based early learning educators to discuss topics of interest, ask questions, and offer insight and inspiration to one another.
The Newlonsburg Presbyterian Church will host The Incredible Years Parenting Program on Thursdays from April until July.
The Carnegie Library of Homestead and Maple Unified Student Academy (MUSA) will hold early literacy family workshops in April and May.
The Newlonsburg Presbyterian Church will host The Incredible Years Parenting Program on Thursdays from April until July.
The University of Pittsburgh's Theiss Training Center will host a series titled Becoming Trauma Aware, Informed, and Proficient from January to March and from May to June.
In “Introduction to ASQ-3,” participants will learn how to use the Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ®–3) as a screening tool for children ages three months to five years.
ELRC Region 5 is hosting Communities of Practice for home-based early learning educators to discuss topics of interest, ask questions, and offer insight and inspiration to one another.
The Newlonsburg Presbyterian Church will host The Incredible Years Parenting Program on Thursdays from April until July.
Trying Together will host training sessions centered around its Early Intervention (EI) Toolkit on Zoom this spring.
Trying Together and ELRC Region 5 are partnering to provide in person and hybrid First Aid, Pediatric First Aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and automated external defibrillator (AED) trainings to early childhood professionals.
Early Literacy: Community of Practice will include a dinner, high-quality picture books, and opportunities to learn, grow, and connect around early literacy.
The Newlonsburg Presbyterian Church will host The Incredible Years Parenting Program on Thursdays from April until July.
ELRC Region 5 is hosting Communities of Practice for home-based early learning educators to discuss topics of interest, ask questions, and offer insight and inspiration to one another.
The Newlonsburg Presbyterian Church will host The Incredible Years Parenting Program on Thursdays from April until July.
The Newlonsburg Presbyterian Church will host The Incredible Years Parenting Program on Thursdays from April until July.
ELRC Region 5 is hosting Communities of Practice for home-based early learning educators to discuss topics of interest, ask questions, and offer insight and inspiration to one another.
The Newlonsburg Presbyterian Church will host The Incredible Years Parenting Program on Thursdays from April until July.
ELRC Region 5 is hosting Communities of Practice for home-based early learning educators to discuss topics of interest, ask questions, and offer insight and inspiration to one another.
ELRC Region 5 is hosting Communities of Practice for home-based early learning educators to discuss topics of interest, ask questions, and offer insight and inspiration to one another.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
WQED and Fred Rogers Productions will offer family-friendly activities in McKees Rocks on March 22 for Be My Neighbor Day.
Participants will learn how to use the ASQ-3 as a screening tool for children ages three months to 5 years.
U.S. Rep. Summer Lee (D-12th District) will hold office hours for constituents on Wednesday, March 19.
Trying Together and ELRC Region 5 are partnering to provide in person and hybrid First Aid, Pediatric First Aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and automated external defibrillator (AED) trainings to early childhood professionals.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
The National Summer Learning Association is holding a free Summer Planning Bootcamp in March to prepare for the events that it will provide to millions of young people across the nation this summer.
Trying Together will host a course that examines how our actions are shaped by our attitudes and beliefs – and how societal attitudes and beliefs have shaped service systems.
The National Summer Learning Association is holding a free Summer Planning Bootcamp in March to prepare for the events that it will provide to millions of young people across the nation this summer.
Pre-K for PA and Start Strong PA will host an upcoming webinar on the state budget and advocacy efforts.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
Accelerate Action will host its International Women's Day panel and luncheon on March 7.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
The ECE Advocacy 101 workshop is designed to break down the Pennsylvania budget cycle. Participants will receive an overview of the ELPA campaigns and how ECE programs are affected by the budget process as well as ways professionals and families can use their experience and knowledge to advocate.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
Trying Together and ELRC Region 5 are partnering to provide First Aid, Pediatric First Aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and automated external defibrillator (AED) training to early childhood professionals.
Pennsylvania's Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) and Early Intervention Technical Assistance (EITA) will co-host a series of four webinars on language and literacy development.
The Pennsylvania Key will host a course over the next eight months on how to manage youths' big emotions.
One Northside will host a party for all ages to celebrate its 10th anniversary in February.
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
The Pennsylvania Key will hold an upcoming virtual course that will introduce participants to the Youth Behavior Reflection Support Tool (YBRST).
Join ELRC Region 5 for our Virtual Director Roundtables being held every Tuesday via Zoom.
Pittsburgh Playtest will host its first event of the year in Squirrel Hill in February.
The University of Pittsburgh's Theiss Training Center will host a series titled Becoming Trauma Aware, Informed, and Proficient from January to March and from May to June.