Impact of 2020 Census for Young Children

Everyone living in the United States is asked to respond to the census and answer simple questions every 10 years. The next census begins in March of 2020. Responding is easy, safe, and important.

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All young children including newborn babies should be included in the census.

Counting all of the children living in one’s home in a census response is important because these numbers determine the amount of funding provided and which areas receive funding for critical resources including:

  • child care;

  • children’s health insurance;

  • early intervention services;

  • food assistance;

  • Head Start;

  • housing support;

  • public schools; and

  • more!

Often children under five are not counted because they live in more than one home, or are not related to the person filling out the questionnaire. Whether a child is related or not, the child should be counted in the household the they live in the majority of the time. All responses are kept confidential and only used to produce statistics as required by law.

How to Help

ELRC Region 5, the Allegheny County Department of Human Services, and its partners at The Alliance for Infants and Toddlers, and Trying Together encourage all adults with young children and newborn babies in their household to respond to the 2020 Census.

Adults can further assist with the census effort by talking to other adults they know and explaining to them that counting everyone in the home helps Allegheny County children and families get the resources they need. Learn more about the 2020 Census with this FAQ sheet (PDF) and fact sheet (PDF), or visit online.