Nominate an Afterschool Champion

Pennsylvania Statewide Afterschool Youth Development Network (PSAYDN) is accepting nominations for the 2022 Afterschool Champion Awards.

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Champions should demonstrate outstanding work in developing, supporting, and promoting meaningful high-quality afterschool/out-of-school time programs to benefit children, youth, and families across Pennsylvania.

The winners will be recognized during the PSAYDN EMPOWER 2022 Out-of-School Time Conference on Thursday, December 1, 2022.

Submit a Nomination

Awards and their criteria are as follows:

  • Outstanding Policy and Advocacy Award: Setting actionable advocacy goals, strong policymaker relationships, and educating families and communities about quality afterschool.

  • Outstanding Quality Award: Structure and management, positive connections, safety and health, obesity, safety, activities, life skills, core activities.

  • Outstanding Sustainability Award: Developing intentional partnerships (i.e. business, higher ed., STEM), fundraising/resource development, professional development, policy and procedures-continuity of services.

  • Youth Award: Leadership within a program, mentorship abilities, consistent participation, champion for youth (e.g., resilience, strong peer relationships).

  • Policymaker Award: Familiarity with afterschool/OST/summer learning programs, support through funding, resource help, and community connections.

  • Organization Award: Demonstrate dedication and inspiration for the out-of-school time community and help children and youth succeed. Other criteria to be considered: policy and advocacy, sustainability, quality (structure and management, positive connections, safety and health [obesity, safety], activities [life skills, core activities]) as well as PSAYDN’s Statement of Quality in Afterschool and Vision Statement’s three goals.

Submit a nomination on the PSAYDN website. Nominations are due Monday, September 26, 2022.

More Information

Contact Alison Shughart or Steven Williams with any questions regarding the nominations.

Heidi Winkler