Shapiro Administration Urges CHIP Recipients To Update Contact Information

The Shapiro Administration and the Department of Human Services (DHS) is urging anyone enrolled in Pennsylvania’s Medicaid program, also known as Medical Assistance (MA), to update their contact information.

Under new federal law, continuous MA eligibility will end on April 1, 2023. By keeping contact information up-to-date, recipients of MA and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) will receive timely, necessary updates about their coverage and benefits.

About Changes Medicaid Eligibility

Changes to MA eligibility come following passage of the federal Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023. These changes force states to resume normal MA renewal determination processes after April 1, 2023. Prior to this passage, pandemic aid allowed individuals to remain enrolled in MA, even if they became ineligible.

No one will lose their health coverage without having an opportunity to complete a renewal. Renewals will be completed over 12 months, with March renewals being first affected by the end of continuous coverage.

If a person is found ineligible for their current coverage, their MA coverage will end. Additionally, if a person does not complete their renewal on time, their coverage will end.

Government employees will direct those who become ineligible for coverage to other sources of affordable medical coverage, like CHIP and Pennie, Pennsylvania's health and dental insurance marketplace.

Preparing for Renewals

Individuals can find the timeline for their renewal on COMPASS or the myCOMPASS PA mobile app.

Anyone can set up a COMPASS account. If they have a mobile device, they can download the myCOMPASS PA mobile app for free.

Instructional videos on downloading and using the myCOMPASS PA app are available on DHS’s YouTube channel.

Those without computer or mobile access can call DHS’ Customer Service Center at 1-877-395-8930 or 215-560-7226. The Customer Service Center is open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. These individuals also have the option to visit their local County Assistance Office.

Updating Contact Information

Pennsylvanians whose contact information or personal circumstances have changed can use COMPASS to make the following updates to their case file at any time:

  • Changes to the number of people living in your household

  • Changes to your email address

  • Changes to your phone number

  • Changes to your mailing address

COMPASS also allows users to sign up to receive e-notifications about their benefits. Additionally, DHS encourages Pennsylvanians to opt-in to text messages to receive information about their benefits.

Keeping information up to date will help Pennsylvanians receive reminders about their annual benefit renewal quickly so they can prevent an avoidable lapse in coverage or services.

Medicaid recipients can update their contact information on the COMPASS website.

Learn More

If you sign up to receive text messages and receive a text from the number 1-833-648-1964, it is not a scam. Messages sent by DHS via text will never ask you for personal information, and you should not provide it. These are intended to be reminders about your benefits and other important information about programs administered by DHS and the federal government.

DHS, along with other agencies across the Commonwealth, will continue to conduct outreach, informing MA recipients of these upcoming changes via mail, text, email, and phone calls.

For more information on the end of continuous coverage for MA and CHIP, visit the DHS website.