Fill Vacancies with Allegheny Child Care

The Allegheny Child Care tool gives caregivers and parents of young children the opportunity to search real-time availability at Allegheny County licensed child care, preschool, school-age, and virtual programs. For that reason, it’s important that providers update their listings.

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Providers in Allegheny County that offer one or more of theses services are asked to create or update their listing. In particular, please include current operational status (open/closed and availability); age group(s) served; and basic profile information.

The Allegheny Child Care tool will assist providers in promoting and marketing programs and vacancies to families. In turn, this will expedite the process for getting children enrolled, making an often stressful task less burdensome for families. 

To help fill vacancies, update listings. Providers should use the email associated with their Certificate of Compliance or APOST registration.