Dr. Val Arkoosh Takes Office as Secretary of the Department of Human Services

Dr. Val Arkoosh officially became Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) on Thursday, June 29.

Arkoosh brings to the role a wealth of experiences as a physician, public health professional, and former county commissioner. As Secretary, she will oversee life-sustaining services and supports for more than 3.6 million Pennsylvanians through oversight of child welfare, behavioral health, long-term care, child care, and more.

 About  Dr. Val Arkoosh

According to a news release, Secretary Arkoosh joined DHS shortly after the federal government set forth significant changes to Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and helped Pennsylvanians prepare and respond them. Under her leadership, DHS is working closely with partners in state government and beyond to help Pennsylvanians through the Medicaid renewal process so they stay covered.

Before entering public service, Secretary Arkoosh practiced medicine as an obstetric anesthesiologist. Her experience working in Philadelphia hospitals showed her the inherent link between a person’s living environment and the impacts of generational poverty on health and wellbeing. According to the release, this inspired her to pursue further education in public health to address challenges a person faces when they present at a doctor’s office or emergency room, but the community-level barriers that affect health outcomes.

As former chair of the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners, she applied her experience in healthcare to strengthen services for citizens, including vulnerable populations like children, seniors, people with disabilities, veterans, and people affected by the opioid crisis. At the state level, DHS has an oversight role in much of the county-level human services work, and Secretary Arkoosh is committed to being a supportive and collaborative partner to counties and other stakeholders to help reach our shared goals.

 Learn More

For more information about DHS and services available to Pennsylvanians, visit www.dhs.pa.gov.