COVID-19 Best Practices: Reporting and Timelines

The following information highlights specific actions that child care providers and staff must take if there is a confirmed or probable positive case of COVID-19 in a child or adult who has been present in their early learning program.

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Once child care providers are notified of a potential COVID-19 exposure at their facility, they should create a timeline to assess risk and identify close contacts who should quarantine and seek testing. The Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) is available at Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to assist providers with questions, concerns, and developing timelines to assess next steps. 

Please note: The Allegheny County Health Department, along with the CDC, recommends quarantining for 14 days after the last possible exposure as the best way to limit the spread of COVID-19. Symptoms can present as late as 14 days after exposure to the virus. As of December 4, however, ACHD adopted CDC guidance offering two methods to reduce the duration of quarantine. Review the updated guidance.

These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) can help child care programs determine what actions need to be taken at their facility:

1. How do I report confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 at my child care program? 

  • Early learning programs are required to report confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19, and  when a staff person, child, or household member is exposed to a positive COVID-19 case.

  • To report confirmed and suspected positive cases of COVID-19 at an early learning program in Pennsylvania, child care providers must use the Licensed Facility COVID Data Collection Tool or call the Department of Health (DOH) at 1.877.724.3258. Licensed providers should continue to notify their Certification Representative of exposure and/or new positive cases of COVID-19. 

  • Programs must also report confirmed and suspected positive cases of COVID-19 to the Allegheny County Health Department by emailing

  • Non-licensed programs who are not required to report to the DOH should complete this online survey.*

*The confidential information collected will help track any potential outbreaks of COVID-19 and ensure the well-being of Allegheny County residents and children.

 When reporting, programs must provide the following information:

  • The name of the facility.

  • The address of the facility including the county.

  • The number of cases.

  • Identify if the positive case is a staff person, household member (of a GCCH or FCCH), child, or family member.

Once cases are reported, ACHD will likely be in touch with programs for more information.

2. Has the positive case been in contact with the facility while symptomatic, in the 48 hours prior to becoming symptomatic, or 48 hours prior to their test date if without symptoms? 


  • Identify close contacts – individuals who were within six feet of the positive case for a continuous instance of 15 minutes or more. 

  • Request close contacts quarantine for 14 days from their last exposure.  

ACHD will work with you through the identification process and ask for additional information to complete contact tracing. Individuals without direct contact to a positive case may continue to attend. 

If NO:

  • Ensure that the individual does not have contact with the facility during their 10 day isolation period. 

  • Operations may proceed as normal. 

3. An employee/student has tested positive. When can they resume attendance? 

  • Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 must observe a 10-day isolation period, beginning with the date their symptoms started. 

  • If they do not have symptoms, their isolation period begins on the date when their test was performed. 

  • Individuals may return when they complete the 10 days of isolation, so long as symptoms are improving, and they are fever free without the assistance of medication. 

4. An employee/student was a close contact of an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. When can they resume attendance? 

  • Individuals identified as close contacts may resume activities upon the completion of their 14-day quarantine, starting with their last day of exposure to a positive case.  

Please note, if the case is a member of their household where they will have continuous exposure during the case’s isolation period, day one of the 14-day quarantine begins from their last exposure to the case during their 10 day isolation period.

5. An employee/student had a second, more recent exposure to COVID-19. Will they be out longer than originally planned? 

  • In all cases of quarantine, individuals must begin their first of 14 days on their date of most recent exposure.  

Please note, if a close contact has tested positive for COVID-19 within the past three months and does not exhibit any symptoms, they will not need to quarantine. 

 6. A close contact has since tested negative for COVID-19. Can they return to work/school? 

NO. Due to the variability in the viral incubation from person to person, all individuals identified as a close contact must continue to quarantine for the entirety of 14 days.

 7. An employee/student/parent is being tested for COVID-19. Can they continue to attend while waiting for results? 


  • If any individual or member of their household is awaiting test results, they should not attend school/work until a negative result is returned. 

  • Please note that if an employee or staff is experiencing symptoms, they should remain home until testing or speaking with their doctor.

8. Should we continue to provide services?

 Once you have determined the impact of quarantine on your staff and student populations, it will be up to you to assess the resources available over the coming 14 days. This may impact your staffing levels, room availability, and the overall effectiveness of the care you are providing. If you are confident that your facility can continue to provide the standard of care and safety in serving your community, you may continue to provide services, subject to change per community-wide orders from ACHD or the PA DOH.

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