One of Homewood's signature community events is back! Don't miss out!
Join several organizations, businesses, and agencies throughout the Homewood community on Saturday, August 12 for the Third Annual Community Health & Wellness Summit for a full day of events, resources, and health-focused opportunities for all community residents.
Here is the current schedule for the Summit:
8 a.m. - Olivia Jones 5K Walk/Run/Ride/Skate/Loop
12 p.m. - Double Dutch Competition
1 p.m. - Fight For Peace Boxing Exhibition (tickets to be purchased at the door)
5:30 p.m. - Kirk Whalum Smooth Jazz Concert
There will be opportunities to participate in health screenings and receive health-related resources and services. There will be plenty of family fun with aerobic line dancing, children's activities, giveaways, music, and more!
The Summit is presented by the Community Empowerment Association.